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Eiheiji Tourism Transportation Safety Management

1 Management Philosophy


Aiming to be No. 1 in the region by providing heartfelt services to our customers, giving top priority to safety, security, and comfort

  • Thoroughly disseminate the principle of complying with relevant laws and regulations and giving top priority to safety

  • Formulation and Dissemination of Safety Policy

  • Securing and maintaining personnel and equipment necessary for transportation safety (safety investment)

  • Formulate specific safety priority measures (safety goals, action plans) every year

  • Once a year, we inspect the status of the establishment of the safety management system and the achievement status of safety goals, and improve problems (management review).


2 Safety Policy


Safety first and legal compliance

  • Prioritize customer safety in all aspects of transportation services

  • Comply with safety-related laws and company rules (manuals)

  • Eliminate serious accidents and drink-driving

  • Efficiently spend and invest in transport safety

  • Conduct internal audits on transportation safety and take corrective and preventive actions when necessary

  • Strengthen employee education, training, management, and communication to ensure transportation safety, and strive to foster a sense of ownership.

  • Establish a communication system for information on transportation safety and strive to share information.

  • All transportation, sales, and maintenance personnel work together to ensure customer safety as the top priority.


course of action

  • We comply with laws and regulations based on the philosophy of "safety comes first".

  • We will treat our customers with "five hearts" and try to provide the best hospitality with a smile.

  • We will actively tackle high goals and challenge them with courage and conviction.


3 Priority Safety Measures


safety goal

  • 180 consecutive days without accidents

  • Accidents resulting in injury or death: 0 (0 since the start of business) Back-up accidents: 0

  • We hold safety seminars four times a year and aim for all employees to participate.

  • Overworked driving prevention

4 Responsibilities of Safety Supervisor

①  Construction of safety-related mechanisms and planning and implementation of initiatives

②  Confirmation of effective in-house awareness of the safety policy and the status of penetration and establishment

③ Confirmation of progress and achievement status of safety priority measures

④ Ensuring open communication

⑤ Implementation of risk management by collecting and utilizing accident information, etc.

⑥ Inspect the status of safety management efforts and report to the president in a timely and appropriate manner.


5 Personnel responsibility and authority


Clarify role permissions

"Let's do it together" no one will do it. (Creating an organization chart)


6 Ensuring information transfer and communication

(1) Hearing of opinions from employees during on-site patrols by management (attendance at night duty, etc., to ensure proper communication with crew members)

② Individual interviews and opinion exchange meetings with employees (we are still doing it now, but we would like to hold interviews with a firm purpose)

(3) Hearing of opinions by veteran employees and reporting to the president (I would like to appoint a driver education staff and carry out guidance, education, and succession of skills to young drivers, etc.)

④ Utilization of business improvement proposal system

      Answers to opinions and requests from the field.

      A prompt response is required, such as compatible, not compatible, and compatible if conditions are met

      Opinions and requests lead to review and improvement of the safety management system

7 Collection and utilization of information on accidents, near misses, etc.

(1) Shift from the type of responsibility for the person who caused the accident to the type of investigation of the cause of the accident

(2) Analyze the cause of the accident (five perspectives) and consider and implement measures to prevent recurrence

(3) Collect near-miss information and use it to prevent accidents

(4) Collect case studies of other businesses and use them to prevent accidents at your company.


Accident response procedures and mechanisms (points)

(1) Formulate and disseminate response procedures and contact methods in the event of an accident

② Consider and implement recurrence prevention measures for accidents that have occurred

      5 perspectives Driver himself Opponent Environment Hardware (vehicles, etc.) Safety management


8 Response to Serious Accidents, etc.


In preparation for the occurrence of serious accidents, etc. that cannot be dealt with by normal response measures, we will formulate response procedures and disseminate them throughout the company.

① Create and prepare a communication system chart for emergencies

(2) Decide in advance what to do immediately after an incident occurs, and respond promptly.

③ Conduct response drills and prepare for serious accidents, etc.


9 Ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations


Thoroughly comply with relevant laws and company rules, etc., and ensure that the safety general manager, etc., regularly ascertains the status of compliance.

(1) Make employees understand why procedures and rules are necessary and the consequences of not following them (fostering awareness)

(2) Keep the latest relevant laws and regulations in the office, etc., so that they can be checked at any time (understanding the relevant laws and the latest revision status)

(3) Regularly confirm the status of compliance with laws and regulations, such as by having the safety general manager attend roll calls (precise notification of each factor)

(4) Conducted voluntary inspections of priority items. Guidance if there is non-compliance


10 Education, training, etc. necessary for building and improving the safety management system


Conduct education and training to deepen understanding of the purpose of the transportation safety management system, and education and training to maintain and improve on-site skills

It is important to deepen the understanding of those on the front line

(1) Participation in transport safety management seminars

② Seminar participants write down what they want to work on and report it to the president

(3) Discuss and consider incorporating examples of initiatives introduced at seminars

④ Implementation of a mini test on transportation safety management

In order to ascertain the degree of understanding and penetration of transportation safety management, we will implement a quiz and improve the content of education and training based on the results.


11 Internal Audit

Identify and address safety issues and problems by periodically checking the safety management system in-house.

Conduct internal checks at least every six months to identify issues and problems in the safety management system

[Matters to be checked in internal audits]

(1) Are you doing what you are supposed to do? “Compatibility”

(2) “Effectiveness” of activities linked to safety


12 Management review and continuous improvement

At least once a year, the president reviews the entire safety management system, and reviews and improves the safety goals for the next fiscal year.

(1) Understand what achieved results and what did not by summarizing the efforts made during the year

(2) Understanding and prioritizing, and reflecting them in next year's initiatives

(3) The involvement of the president is necessary as safety investments are also involved in the initiatives.

continuous improvement

(1) Continual improvement refers to deciding how to deal with problems in the safety management system that are clarified from the results of activities in daily operations, internal audits, management reviews, etc., and taking corrective and preventive measures. matter

(2) Timing Daily review and improvement. Different from timed management reviews


13 Preparation and management of documents

Appropriately document and manage rules so that everyone can understand the work

(1) Document management procedures (2) Record management procedures (3) Accident information management procedures (4) Serious accident response procedures

⑤Internal audit procedures ⑥Corrective and preventive procedures


14 Creating and maintaining records

Systematically record and manage efforts so that the implementation status of past safety measures can be checked

(1) Details of reports to the president

(2) Collection and utilization of accident information, etc.

③Education and training

④ Results of internal audits

⑤Management review

⑥ Corrective and preventive measures

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